Are you having financial challenge, do you want to borrow money from wonder loan app and don’t know if they are legit or scam? You don’t need to worry any more, you are in the right page. In this article, we will introduce to you wonder loan app, how to get instant loan from the platform and the result of our findings if they are legit or scam. All you need to do is grab a cup of tea and take your time to read through.
An Overview Wonder Loan App
Wonder Loan Fintech App is an online lending platform in Nigeria. Basically, this platform borrows money to Nigerians without collateral. This app has over 100,000 users and many negative review on google play store. Although wonder loan platform claims to be providing digital loan services to Nigerians to obtain credit within a few minutes. But there have been so many negative reviews about them which we will be sharing in this article.
Is Wonder Loan App Legit or Scam?
Based on reviews on Google Play Store, we can say this platform is a scammer App. There are so many negative reviews about them o how they over charge interest on loan and defame Nigerians. Users went further to say sometimes they credit you lower than the laon amount you requested, and this charge you based on your original application. This app have been deleted from google play store. Please we advice you don’t borrow money from this platform. Below are some of the complains we were able to gather.
What is WonderLoan Requirements?
Here are compulsory requirements to borrow money from wonder app:
- A smart mobile phone and data.
- Bankr Verification Number (BVN)
- Must have Bank account with any Nigeria Bank.
- Good Credit Score.
- An Automated Teller Machine Card (ATM Card)
- Your personal informations.
- You must be a residing in Nigeria.
- Must be 18 years and above.
- You loan request most to exceed 30% of your income.
How can I Borrow Loan From Wonder Loan App
If you lost borrow loan from this platform, follow the steps below:
- First, the app have been deleted from google play store. We suggest you go to your browser and download the app.
- Next, create your profile by signing up with the app. This application is for free and you won’t be charged.
- Once you have signed up successfully, you can now apply for an instant loan.